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I want to import solar panels from China for general trading. I already have WeBOC account. This is my first Import.
I have two questions:

  1. Are solar panels duty free? Is there any sales tax or income tax that I have to pay at the time of Import?

  2. What are the documents are required for customs clearance of solar panels?

Best Answer

Hello Faysal

Solar Panels are indeed duty free, and you are also not required to pay any advance income tax or sales tax at the time of customs clearance. You will be required to pay only the excise duty.

There are various pre-shipment documents that are required from accredited agencies, without these documents, you will not be able to clear the goods from Pakistan Customs. The documents are as following:

  • Invoice of shipment

  • Packing List

  • Bill of Lading

  • Copy of letter of credit or import contract/bank contract

  • Type Test Certificate

  • Certificate of Conformity

  • Pre-shipment Inspection Certificate

It is highly advisable that you go through the SRO 604 and Process Flow for Import of Solar PV Equipment in Pakistan. You can include these documents in your contract with your supplier for additional security.

Best of luck with your first shipment 
